John ScherberDec 3, 20194 minARE WE THERE YET?Whether I’m writing a nonfiction account of the expat experience, or the next volume of the San Miguel mystery series, place is always an...
John ScherberDec 3, 20194 minDRIVING IN MEXICO: NO COUNTRY FOR NEW CARSThe thought of driving in México strikes a deadly fear into the hearts of many Americans and Canadians alike. Of course, they purchased...
John ScherberDec 3, 20199 minREASONS TO LEAVE HOMEEvery choice in favor of something is also a choice against something else. Is it this one or is it that one? To choose México as your...
John ScherberDec 3, 20194 minHE SAYS, SHE SAYS: Dialog in FictionIn reading the work of Ian McEwan, specifically Atonement and Saturday, both powerful books, I was struck by his sparse use of dialog....
John ScherberDec 3, 20193 minFINISHING A BOOK Many authors find that starting a book is the hardest part. That crucial first sentence, that opening grabber to the initial paragraph,...